Affordable WNC is a website to help you find affordable housing options in Western North Carolina and is a website for educating the public about Affordable Housing resources in Western North Carolina.
Affordable WNC is a collaboration of Western North Carolina organizations working to build a robust and comprehensive information database for affordable housing in the region, with an emphasis on helping low-income families find affordable places to live. Affordable WNC is not just an informational resource, but also an easy way for people who need help finding affordable housing in their area to reach out directly to potential landlords and property owners.
The City of Asheville remains committed to affordable housing in our community and hopes this guide is a helpful resource for individuals and families looking for a great place to live and prosper that they can afford. The U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) defines affordable housing as not spending more than 30% of your gross income on housing costs. For renters, this includes rent & utilities. For homeowners, this includes your mortgage, insurance and property taxes. Please know the City is dedicated to helping produce, preserve & protect healthy affordable mixed-income communities with a variety of housing types at a variety of price points, both homeownership and rental, for the variety of incomes & wages we produce in Asheville.

Fair Housing
The Fair Housing act is a federal law enforced by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Fair Housing Act protects tenants and prospective homebuyers of any race, color, religion, national origin or gender, including people with disabilities and families with children, against housing discrimination.

List of resources and services available to end users, including unhoused, supported housed, supplemented housed, sustained housed, homeowner, unaffordably housed, and community partners.

News & Events
Up-to-date information on upcoming events related to affordable housing in Western North Carolina.

Get Involved
Ways for users to get involved in affordable housing initiatives in Western North Carolina. Information on volunteering, donating, or advocating for affordable housing.

Contact Us
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Housing Guide
This guide is a helpful resource for individuals and families looking for a great place to live and prosper that they can afford.